Granite City Waaagh Fest

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Roolz Update


I know, it’s a little thing, but you’d be surprised at how many “little things” I get questions about ๐Ÿ˜‰

Because we’re so cool and don’t want all of you having to do more work than necessary, players will not be required to bring their own objective markers for this years tournament. See? We’re looking out for ya all! That, and Brian has a streak for self torture having to produce all of the markers himself for this years theme (he offered, we didn’t lock him in a Black Ship or anything).

So, long story short, you don’t have to provide your own objective markers this year.


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Waaagh!Fest! T-Shirts Now Available To Order


teaser2Listen up ya worthless grots. We’ve put the Waaagh!Fest! armor (t-shirts) up for sale today on our site. Head on over and check out the in-process design and grab yers today! As we’ve been able to manage for the last three years, we have the amazingly talented DeveantArt artist, TaytonClait on board doing a custom themed piece of work to liven up our shirts and artwork. We’ve finalized the lineart and are now working into the coloring phase. His work has been seen on our shirts at many RTT tournaments and GT events over the years and we’re so glad to continue having him work with us on these.

There’s only about four weeks to place your order so we can get them back from the printer in time so don’t delay!

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Imperial Knights added to Waaagh!Fest Lineup


ork-nobIt has become official, the new Codex: Imperial Knights is legal at our little bar fight. For those that wish to bring these new, easy to transport models/armies ( ๐Ÿ˜‰ ), you must also have a copy of the superheavy rules with you to verify any disputes that may arise from other players inexperience with this slightly different ruleset, much the same as you would with Forgeworld items.

There’s been a lot of inquiries about this codex and it seems to be an interesting fit. As much as I’m hoping to see them at Waaagh!Fest,ย  I’ll personally buy a beer for the first person who takes one down with orks ๐Ÿ˜‰ Not even kidding.

As usual, email me with questions or post to the Frozen North Gaming Club group on Facebook.



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Update all da Roolz!!!


Ork_WarbossAll right, after much gnashing of teeth, screamin’ and hollerin’, and a few teef knocked out, da Waaagh!Fest staff proudly present you wif: Da Roolz fer Waaagh!Fest 2014!

With the pace of releases Games Workshop has recently set (slow down, dammit!), we know there may be some instances where decisions will need to be made between now and then, but for those who want a jump start of planning, these are the rules we will be using for Waaagh!Fest 2014. Some interesting things and changes of note for those who don’t want to dig deeper yet:

  • Escalation = Out
  • Stronghold Assault = In EXCEPT the Aquila Strongpoint
  • Forgeworld Models = In if “Warhammer 40K Approved”
  • Forgeworld Armylists = In as long as they’re codex models or meet the above criteria
  • Dataslates = In
  • Formations = Out

We like the idea of cool models being shown off but we also spend quite some time on setting up the terrain to be somewhat balanced so a compromise has been struck so we’ve decided to include fortifications from Strongpoint but there is a specific way to deploy these models, check the rules page out for how this will effect the deployments if you have an questions.

That should sum up the major differences between this and last years Fest. Can’t wait to see all of you here, have beer with ya watch everyone stomp da hell outta everyone else.

As usual, any questions or concerns, contact me here: Randy Tenvoorde –

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Granite City Waaagh!Fest Registration Now Open


waaaghfest4Got the grots finally cleared out of the server room so things can get beck to working the way they should.

Tadaaa! Registration is now open for the Granite City Waaagh!Fest IIII – 2014. Here’s the details you might need to at least sign up.

Date: June 28th, 2014
Location: Moose Lodge 1400 in Waite Park, MN
Registration Fee: $30
Slots Available: 48

You must register online through our registration page. Registration through the form does not guarantee you a spot, completing the transaction through Paypal DOES. If you have any problems with the registration software, please let me know here…

Of course this is way ahead of the event but we need registration money to start setting up things before the event like; registering the hall, swag and giveaways, trophies and prizes.

Of course there will be t-shirts as usual but were a bit far out from anything concrete form yet. Announcements will be made as soon as we know something there.

As we all know there’s lots of noise on the new books put out and as I mentioned a couple of posts ago, we are talking, reading, researching, and duking it out over beers as to how we’re going to treat everything. We’re just a little small dinky bar event, I can’t image the chaos this is causing the larger GT style events.

We’re already working on missions and themes and ideas for cool, unique prizes. I just need to find out if I can give beer away at a public event without a licenseโ€ฆ


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Granite City Waaagh!Fest Date Official!


All right you no gud gits, listen up ‘ere. Accordin to all the info you mighta heard, dey’z all wrong. Da Granite City Waaagh!Fest will be held on Saturday (duh) June 28th, at da same place as last years throwdown.

And a nuver ting, some ‘umie or sumtin said last time we’z gunna paste some roolz ‘ere. Well, ‘ez ded wrong! Dey’z all still knockin’ ‘eadz back dere tryin’ ta figure out if we can bring da big killy, shooty and ded ‘ard stuffs or not.ย  We’ll letcha know when we’z know sumtin’


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Da War/Fun Machine Gettin’ Back Online!


paul-huckFeelin’ kinda safe afta scrubbin’ out da warp tainted code from the servers, we’z tink we gots it licked! (fingaz crossed ‘ere).

The website is back up and running in skeleton mode. There may be a few things outta whack for a bit as I rebuild the site. Right now the two most important things are the ability to get out information (this) and the registration software. I’m working on both in what little spare time I can find.

I know a lot of (ok, a few) people have been asking about the date for this years Waaagh!Fest and wondering the details so they can plan. Granite City Waaagh!Fest 4 is tentatively set for Saturday, June 21st 2014. The location should be the same (The Waite Park Moose Lodge) and the vibe should be much like last year.

Another topic I wanted to drop a note about is noise and confusion caused by Games Workshops rapid release of material, including Stronghold Assault, Escalation, dataslates and the Forgeworld inclusions. I can say up front that at a minimum, we will be allowing everything as it was last year (WH40K Approved FW) including the restriction on Skyshield Landing Pads and Fortress of Redemption.

NOW, that said, we are meeting this next week to have some face to face conversation and hammer it out. We will be carefully looking at all the angles and how this massive surge in product will change the “I’m here to have fun, meet people, drink beer, and play with little plastic toy armies” aspect of Waaagh!Fest. There is a lot of noise out there, especially online, and we are taking almost every bit of info into consideration.

Expect some announcement and rulings to be posted in the next week or two about the final roolz for the upcoming event. Until, remember, it’s a jungle out there and all we want to do is have fun!

Randy Tenvoorde

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Takin’ Care uv Tings Like a Warboss!


Hey all! Here’sย  the countdown reminder for a few things and a couple of decisions da interwebs haven’t done fixed yet.

JUNE 3rd – T-shirt orders are due. Remember you can email/talk to me if you don’t want to pay via Paypal interface.

JUNE 17th – Army lists are due to me here ( PDF .TXT, RST, DOCX… Any of these formats work. If you’re at Bakers on Tuesday nights, you can hand a hard copy to any one of the Waaagh!Fest staff. (Randy, Brian, Geppy, Brandon or Mark).

A few other notes as we get closer… We will not be using the new Eldar Codex as it’s inside the four week window. Alas, that means we have to let the Tau in though ๐Ÿ˜‰

Two particular issues have been raised that GW hasn’t been speedy about FAQing here in the states (apparently it’s understood in England).

1) The Tau’s Sun Shark Bomber STARTS with a bomb in the bomb generator.

2) Deamons Exalted Flamer Chariot: This unit CAN move and shoot.

If there’s anything else that’s really nebulous and you’re not sure (and already hasn’t been FAQ’d to death), contact me and we’ll sort it out before hand. I don’t want to have people not bring certain things because they were unsure about it.

The Waaagh!Fest Staff

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Now ya know what yer gettin’!


shirt-2013-thumb2The artwork for the t-shirts is done! Here’s a preview of the Waaagh!Fest T-shirts with the new artwork from Clayton!

Make sure you head over to the online order form and get yers today. Orders are due by JUNE 3RD!.

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Waaagh!Fest 2013 Artwork Preview


Clayton Tait artworkOK folks, Clayton’s workin’ hard to make us smashin’ t-shirt/poster design for this years Waaag!fest. This is what you can expect to see (finished, in color) on the posters and shirts. Make sure you get your t-shirt orders in on time as they’re limited editions and won’t be re-printed. I can’t wait, how about you?