Granite City Waaagh Fest

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Rules and Format Set for Waaagh!Fest 2015


bigmekSo, after many long debates, we’ve finally settled on the format for Waaagh!Fest 2015. We have decided to follow the conventions and list building rules as set forth by the ITC (Independent Tournament Circuit) which published the rules of the popular LVO/BAO tournaments.


But you’re a small, friendly, non-competitive/compeitive, gaming over beer and chips kinda tournament – why would you adopt the trappings of a large, hyper-competitive, WAACa style tournament?


Well, my friend, it’s a different world out there in the world of 7th Edition. As gamers, we are spoiled with the amount of variety we have, an endless fountain of rules, units, models, superheavies, and fortifications. As a tournament organizer, it’s a hellish nightmare of a million options, and no possible combination that will make ALL players happy, much less keeping on top of Games Workshops recent production schedule. 7th Edition Warhammer 40K makes 2nd Edition look like Candy Land compared to Risk. And, to be honest, us TO’s for Waaagh!Fest have many other jobs that don’t include working for a gaming company or hobby store so we don’t have umpteen hours to invest in play-testing everything that comes out and finding broken situations.

For that, we’ve decided to leave it to the experts who DO this for a living. This lets us focus on the FUN part of this gig – picking themes, writing missions, and generally gathering folks together to throw dice over beers and food in a friendly environment. If you are the type to follow the LVO/BAO rules, assume that changes they make in their format will be reflected here. We will attempt to keep up with them and reflect the changes here.

So cruise on over to the Roolz page and check out what you can and can’t do for this years tournament. To be honest, there isn’t a lot of difference from last year besides HOW you choose your lists

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Registration Up, Go Sign Up!


Actually had the bugs worked out a while ago so there’s no excuse fer anyone not to be signing up!

The Waaagh!Fest staff are hard at work makin’ stuff up to throw at you come June. Lookin’ at rulesets, compilin’ ideas fer missions, and testing all the beer that will be at the event. Bein’ Waaagh!Fest staff is hard work!

As we get things ironed out we’ll post them here, the first items we’re werkin’ on nailing down is the rules — 40K isn’t what it used to be 😉


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Site Back Up – Registration Temporarily Down


As you can see, I’ve gotten the site back up and things cleaned out. I will have the registration module back up and running by early this afternoon. Sorry for any troubles this may have caused.

Da Management

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Waaagh!Fest 5 Registration Officially Open!


mekAllright, ya lunk’eads, listen up!

Da registration for dis years Granite City Waaagh!Fest is now werkin’. Pretty much da same ting as last year. $30 each, all day, three rounds of knockin’ ‘eads, drinkin’ brews, and generally carousin’ like a buncha squigs without der minders.

Click da link above (dat sez “Registration”) and follow da prompts.

As fer kwestions, I know you gits got’em, assume much of da rules from last year are in effect until further notice. Dat means when us warbosses and nobz gets a chance to look’em over. (which should be soon).

Now get ta buildin’ those new armies and we’ll see ya dere!

Warboss Red Jack

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Waaagh!Fest 2015 Date Set


June 20th, 2015 will be the date for Waaagh!Fest 5. Registration should be up in about a week (or so). Details as they arrive.


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Waaagh!Fest! After Action Report – 2014



Alright, ladies and gents. Now that we’ve all had a chance to come down from the high (and sober up a bit 😉 ), Here’s how things shook out at this years Granite City Waaagh!Fest! The top four took home etched liter beer mugs and kustom made plushie squigs.

Best Overall: Matt Root

Best General: Marv Sims

Best Sport: Shawn Kilgore

Best Paint: Nathan Sorenson

A few other notable mentions took home some specially chosen prizes 🙂 Toby Miers took home a ‘uge bucket of cheese balls for Cheesiest Armylist (three Imperial Knights will do that to a person). Puck (Paul Huck) took home the Worst Luck (two new Chessex dice cubes) for his atrocious attempt at, well, everything during his second match on the spikey Riddick board. And to the person who placed last, we typically give out a different game for them to play, maybe it’ll go better for them. This year though, we gave Isaac Thomsen the opportunity to maybe get a second chance under 7th Edition WH40k with a new rules box set. Good luck Isaac!

I want to thank all of the staff and all the attendees for an excellent turnout, a ton of new stories, and a whole bunch of new friends, even if only for day. Keep your eyes peeled for the details on the upcoming Camp Brenny for those coming in from out of town – camping an 40K, might be the new thing! If you have feed back, comments, suggestions or gripes, please let us know here :

Till later (sometime around the first of the year), everyone have a great summer, get out there and get some sun! We’ll try to post here for other tournament announcements around the area to help build some SEO and keep those connections alive, and as always, make sure you’re connected to the Frozen North Gaming Club on Facebook!

Randy Tenvoorde and the entire staff of Granite City Waaagh!Fest!

Comments Off on Squigs ahoy!

Squigs ahoy!


squigs-finalSo, after a few years of trying to make these happen, we’ve finally done it!  These are the big prize take aways along with the etched liter beer mug! About the size of a basketball, cuddly, and hungry as hell! You gotta play if you want a chance to win one of these cute squiggily beasts! There are open spots left so register today!

Comments Off on See, We Make Life Easier For Waaagh!Fest! Attendees!

See, We Make Life Easier For Waaagh!Fest! Attendees!


obj7Our spore bretheren, Brian, has been busily working his grots off for this years Waaagh!Fest! and has come up with something fun and themed for this years objective markers. Since he’s gone through all that trouble, this mean YOU, the player, will not need to bring your own objective markers to Waaagh!Fest! as they will be provided for each game. 🙂

See, we DO love you folks!

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Important Announcement: Ahem, hem hem….


Games Workshop dropped a whole shed-load of FAQ’s yesterday. Everyone gets updated for 7th Edition (except Sisters…). Yay! Since almost all of these changes/FAQ’s/errata’s are focused on the conversion to 7th Edition, we will NOT be using these new FAQ’s for Granite City Waaagh!Fest! this year.

Yes, there are certain fixes that would balance things out (Helldrake templates) but would you really like to give up all of your psychic powers? (JotWW anyone?) Because it will be nearly impossible to cherry pick which changes are valid and which ones to ignore, we’ve chosen this route instead for the sake of simplicity for everyone.

Again, we are NOT using the new FAQ’s for Waaagh!Fest! Please use the last possible, known FAQ for the BRB and your codex. I will be looking for an archived set up links for those who don’t have them already and post it here.

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Waaagh!Fest! Shirts Finalized, Get’em Now!


Time to let the artist nob and design boyz have a bit of a respite as they’re finally done with the t-shirt design, and you won’t want to miss this one!

As most years, we’ve been lucky enough to get Deviantart star, Taytonclait, as our “resident” orky artist. The shirts are $16.00 and are only produced in very small quantities once a year, so yes, we can call them Limited Edition (and charging more 😉 )

Head on over to the official Waaagh!Fest! t-shirt order page to snag yours today!