Registration 2023
Registration 2023
Hey all you no gud gits, here’s the info on registration.
You might have noticed this year is two days. Registration for both days of Waaagh!Fest is through Best Coast Pairings. Why? ‘Cuz it’s grotloadz easier. Automating fings like registration, payments (gotta get dem teef!), and settin’ up and runnin’ da tournament itself.
The main 40K tournament event will be on Saturday just like we’ve always done.
Sunday is not tied to the main Saturday tournament, but if you ever wanted to play Aeronautica Imperialis or Battletech and never had the rules or models, well now you can try them!
Games currently offered for Sunday:
· 40K narrative game
· Aeronautica Imperialis
· Battletech Alpha Strike
· Battlefleet Gothic XR
· Rogue Trader
There is a 40K Narrative game that will be played throughout the day. Rules will be per the normal 9th edition rulebook with an APOCALYPSE twist. Players will supply their own armies for this event. Bring whatever you choose, but for balance you may not be able to play everything you bring. Winners of the smaller games will be able to influence the narrative 40K game.
Side note: One of our staff is REALLY hoping someone brings a bucket of grots to play. If anyone does Peter said he’ll buy you a drink. 😉
Aeronautica Imperialis
Players wishing to bring their own models may do so.
Battletech Alpha Strike
Players wishing to bring their own mechs may do so. Mechs should be no more than 60 PV, with pilot skills no lower than 2 or 3. There will be a sequence of two team games followed by a third free-for-all to determine an overall winner. Stay tuned for more guidelines on how players should set up their mechs if bringing their own.
Battlefleet Gothic XR
All the games will be played using 500 pt fleets that are pre-planned by staff. Players bringing their own models is encouraged. If anyone has a mission they’re just dying to play please email the Waaagh!Fest staff to let us know. This is intended as teaching games for players who’ve never played before but always wanted to try the game.
Rogue Trader
A narrative mission will be played that will have an impact the larger 40K game.
Any miniatures needed to play those games will be provided by staff (unless you’re just dying to bring your own). The intent is these games will be used to teach new players how to play, but we’re going to be flexible too. We may change things up depending on interest or fun ideas.
Each day of Waaagh!Fest Is a separate ticket, so if you’re planning to attend both days be sure to pick up both tickets. Tickets for Sunday are $10 and are separated by tables so the Waaagh!Fest staff can gauge interest in each of the smaller games. We need to know how much “stuff” to bring. 😉
So, click on over to da uver side fer your registration needs. Any questions or problems, contact da administration staff at