Granite City Waaagh Fest

Rules 2021


Granite City Waaagh!Fest! uses the ITC Rules for choosing armies and other rulings during the tournament. The rules can be found here. Most questions can be answered with a careful reading of these documents. If you still have questions, please ask on our Facebook page here. All other deviations from ITC or standard Games Workshop Warhammer 40K Rules will be listed here.

The Warhammer 40k 9th Edition Rules will be used.

A total of three games will be played – two and one half hours per game.

Choosing Your Armies

  • 2000 pts, 1250 of which may be Lord of War unless you’re playing a knight faction.
  • Battle Forged armies, only. No Unbound lists.

Fortifications at Waaagh!Fest

Fortifications from codeci and Strongpoint Assault are allowed at Waaagh!Fest 2021 with the exceptions noted above. Because of the problems this may cause with the setup of terrain, which is predetermined by the staff before the event in an attempt to create some sort of balance (hehe) for all players and armies, we have decided to approach fortifications in this manner.

During deployment, if either or both sides have fortifications of any kind, they will use this extra step in placing their models.

Roll to see who starts deployment first as normal.
The person who goes first places their Fortification first using these rules

  1. You may REMOVE ONE piece of terrain in YOUR deployment zone to make room for your Fortification if necessary. At least 50% of the terrain piece to be removed must be inside your deployment zone.
  2. If you remove a piece of terrain, your Fortification MUST occupy at least 50% of the area the original terrain piece occupied.
  3. The player who goes second now places their Fortification using the above same rules.
  4. Players now continue deploying their armies as per the standard rules.
  5. After the game is finished, terrain piece must be placed back in it’s original spot on the table.



The rest of da roolz.

What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG). If you wish to use an item, it must be represented on the figure.

You must provide access to your own rules (which include the actual Codex used for your army), dice, templates, pen/pencil, calculator, or anything else you will need during the course of regular play.

In order to keep the tournament running on schedule, when time is called for a round, all player’s must drop the dice and stop playing – no exceptions. Your being extremely close to winning is NOT justification for playing past the allotted time. Because of this, please be aware of the time left in the round and do not start a turn that EACH player cannot finish. If you were not clear on this DO NOT START A GAME TURN THAT EACH PLAYER CANNOT FINISH. “But I will win if we do another turn really fast” is NOT sufficient ground to start another turn. If you are that worried about it you are playing in the wrong tournament.

Bring at LEAST 4 Copies of your Army List (3 for your opponents, 1 for yourself). YOU ARE REQUIRED TO GIVE EACH OF YOUR OPPONENTS A COPY OF YOUR LIST BEFORE THE GAME BEGINS WHETHER THEY WANT ONE OR NOT. DO NOT claim you forgot your list and hand write one out for your opponents. People who do this at the time of a game almost always fail to add up their points correctly. The preferred list format is Army Builder or Battlescribe. After that a spread sheet with all costs set forth on the sheet. Finally, if you do it by hand xerox/photocopy your list before hand and have the costs of EVERYTHING on your sheets.

Players are required to turn their rosters in to the organizers in advance of the tournament in an electronic format. Rosters must be submitted no later than June 5th. We need time to review and make sure things are ok before the tournament. Email your lists here (

Give your opponent a copy of your list before the game starts. This is NOT optional. This tournament is full and open disclosure. If your opponent does not do this you are REQUIRED to note it on your sportsmanship score sheet. We will be looking for patterns.

Play your games, get done, go eat food and have a drink.

Tip your bartender and the bar wait staff. Do not be a cheap skate. These people are getting paid primarily on tips and we want them to have a good time as well. We also want them to welcome us back next year!

If you see someone that needs help carrying something, help them out without being asked.

Offer to buy your opponent a beer. It may not ‘technically’ be mandatory but it will help your karma.

If you cheat or have a crappy attitude you will be kicked out.



Battle: There are 20 battle points which can be won for each game. Each of the three games will have different ways to garner battle points. Some standard fare such as kill points and targeting specific units will be present in some scenarios – others may not be so standard. Who knows?

Painting: Each player will be awarded up to 20 points towards their final score for paint. A completely unpainted army (which you are welcome to bring if you choose) will be awarded a zero while the army that Michelangelo and DaVinci got together to convert and paint would be worth 20. For the most part your self-scoring your army though staff may come around to confirm. If you want your army to be judged for Best Paint you’ll bring your armies up to the front during the lunch break. This is separate from your paint score

Sportsmanship: Be honest but don’t be “that guy/girl”.

Ok, yes, it’s a bar tournament focused on the thrill of playing with toys, in a bar, but we still have to have prizes or no one would really come to play! That being said, there will be trophies and prizes. Best General (Overall), Best Sport (top Sportsmanship score – general consensus amongst staff in case of tie) and Best Paint will receive “trophies” befitting the event. There will be other fun door prizes as well depending on the volume of entrants. These will usually be somewhat themed and at the whim and creativity of the Waaagh!Fest staff.