Hello all! Registration has been open about two weeks and there's 10 people registered – nice going so far! I think we're well on our way to filling all 32 slots before the closing. There have been a few questions and I'll try to answer some of them here. The tournament is 2,000 points. Painting isn't mandetory but it will keep you from winning the top prize if it's unpainted. Because of the nature of the game and number of participants, all army lists will need to be emailed to us by June 4th so we can validate all armies in attendance before the contest. There will be three rounds and each round will be themed, or at least have a "fun" twist to it to make things interesting.
I'll be posting the full rules by the end of next week which will answer these and many more questions in depth. Any other questions, please contact us and let us know!
ALSO! Don't forget we have limted edition Waaagh!Fest! T-Shirts for order online (and only online!). These need to be ordered by May 21st to get them in time for the contest. Don't be caught without one!