Granite City Waaagh Fest
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On Week And Counting


nobActually, it’s less but you know orks can’t count past “many”. A few quick reminders as we head into the remaining days before Da Big Event.


Not everyone has submitted their armylists for review so get on it. Those who turned them in on time will receive their bonus 5 points to their overall score. It was an easy five points! Email them to



The Quality Inn in St. Cloud is holding open our their special Waaagh!Fest! rate of $119 a night (normally $149/night) through Thursday, June. All you need to do to secure this rate is to mention you’re part of the Waaagh!Fest group when registering.

4040 Second St., S., Saint Cloud, MN, 56301, US
Phone: (320) 251-1500 Fax: (320) 251-1111

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