Five days until the kick off of the inaugural Granite City Waaagh!Fest. A few reminders as we draw closer to the event…
Armylists were due June 4th. It's a pretty soft date but there are a few of you who haven't sent them in yet. You can email me pdfs, word docs or Army Builder .rst files to anytime before Saturday morning.
Make sure you have copies of your armylists to hand to your opponent before the game. This is very, very important and per the rules, you may be docked Sportsmanship points for not providing these. Speaking of rules, it won't hurt to make one more spin throught the Rules Page before Saturday.
I'll be posting pics of McCann's Food and Brew Pub this week so those who aren't from around here will know what to look for.
We can't wait to see all of you on Saturday morning!
Randy Tenvoorde and the staff of The Granite City Waaagh!Fest