Granite City Waaagh Fest
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100 Days and Counting til Waaagh!Fest!


OK, it might seem like a long way away but time flies like dakka out a big shoota when yer not lookin' ! Lots of cool things in the works for this years gathering and I think you all will want to be a part of it. Work on the contest boards are rumored to be underway by a number of parties and it sounds like there's some really cool ones under construction.

The biggest news though is the poster/artwork for this years Waaagh!Fest. Fellow ork big mek and very talented artist (meanin' drawer of tings orky), taytonclait, has graciously given us permission to use an outstanding piece for our poster. (at right) I can't wait to see this thing on the large board, standing at the door and awaiting the winners (which is all of us).

Make sure you go over to his Deviantart gallery and check out the rest of his fantastic work. Maybe we can get him to do something custom for us next year 😉


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